By definition, summer fallow is a practice wherein no crop is grown and all plant growth is controlled by cultivation or chemicals during a season when a crop might normally be grown. Summer fallow is considered almost essential in some dryland areas because there is simply not enough precipitation during the crop growing season to provide sufficient water to produce a crop. (
Much like the benefits of practicing summer fallow as a farmer on a piece of land that could possibly produce yields, we as a church are pressing pause on our time with Mark as our pastor who offers us weekly messages, guidance, and pastoral care so that he can restore his “inner grounds”. And much like the land, we as a church, have things to actively do while he is gone.
Join guest speaker, Frank Moore, as he invites all of us into God’s church and encourages you to look and see how you can help restore our “ground” for full crop yields upon Mark and Carrie’s return in late September.