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We hear the word RIGHTEOUS and we can be drowned by images that make us uncomfortable because our failures are obvious and their self-projection is dauntingly positive.  But what if it were a word that described a person who is simply being applauded for “living according to a standard of what is good & right toward the other” (Nijay Gupta).  Or as Jewish Rabbi Toba Spitzer, wrote in his article about the Jewish Value of Justice, is of “a society that is completely ordered according to principles grounded in caring for one’s neighbor and the stranger.  A vision of a society where the haves understand their obligation- both to the have-nots and to the community as a whole.  It is a society in which citizens not only obey the law, but understand the need to go above and beyond the law in order to create a truly covenantal social order.”

Join Pastor Mark as he challenges us this summer to hunger and thirst for righteousness, or choose to step out of your comfort zone and enter the entire world of others outside of your family and feel their burdens and allow them to become your own.

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